Grow to Learn
Shiyi's lab group studies young children's emerging metacognition and its application in early science education. Click here to see our Lab Manual and Shiyi's faculty profile.
Contact Shiyi at shiyic@uidaho.edu about joining the lab and becoming a graduate student at University of Idaho.

MAJOR congrats to Nikki for successfully completing her Master's program! Nikki will still be part of the research team as a project coordinator.
Congrats to Sydney, Michaela, and Dylan on their first undergrad research presentations at CEHHS' IDEAS symposium!
Our group proposal on children's self-regulated learning in a science learning environment was accepted by American Psychological Association 2024 conference.
Nikki's thesis study is recently accepted by the 2024 American Psychological Science annual convention. She will present her poster in San Francisco in May 2024.
A conference abstract coauthored by Shiyi, Rebecca, and Nikki has been accepted to present at the 2024 Cognitive Society Conference in March.
Nikki completed her thesis data collection and analysis, she is ready to finish her degree strong! #dontstoptillyouareproud
Rebecca co-authored her first peer-reviewed journal publication.
Abril received the University of Idaho Alumni Excellence Award. Shiyi also received this award as her research project mentor.
Rebecca is admitted into a Ph.D. program starting fall 2023.
Ashley graduated with a BS in FCS and began her new adventure as a special education teacher.